alias Herr Ercan Canikli 04023456789 / +494023456789
Anrufername: alias Herr Ercan Canikli
Bewertungen: 3
Einschätzung: sehr unseriös, nicht annehmen, Kommentare beachten!
wohnungsbetrug2010 schrieb: Vorkassebetrug Wohnung komplett möbliert mit 2 Schlafzimmer, 1 Wohnzimmer, 70 m² Leonhardsplatz 19... alle Bewertungen
Details zur Telefonnummer
Stadt: Hamburg - DeutschlandTelefonnummer: 040-23456789
Weitere Informationen: Herausfinden
Achtung, 04023456789 ist negativ bewertet. Anrufschutz empfohlen!
Vorwahl Hamburg, Freie und Hansestadt
tellows Score der Stadt: 6.4Vorwahl: 040
Postleitzahl: 20038
Einwohner: 1772100
Männliche Bevölkerung: 865921
Weibliche Bevölkerung: 906179
Landfläche: 755 km²
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wohnungsbetrug2010 meldete alias Herr Ercan Canikli mit der Nummer +494023456789 als Kostenfalle
Wohnung komplett möbliert mit 2 Schlafzimmer, 1 Wohnzimmer, 70 m²
Leonhardsplatz 19 B
70182 Stuttgart , Mitte
"Michael Somenov" " Michael Semenov"
[email protected]
First of all i'm sorry to write you in English but I don't speak German. I appreciate your intent of renting my apartment located in : Leonhardsplatz 19 B, 70182, Stuttgart, Germany. The apartment have: 2 bedrooms, 1 bathrooms, 1 kitchen and 1 living room. I bought this apartment for my son during he studies in Germany, but now he's back home (Preston/United Kingdom) permanently, so I'm renting the place for unlimited time. Before we go any furthe I would like to know a little something about you, like how many persons you intend to live in the apartment, and for how long. The flat is exactly like in the pictures, fully furnished and renovated. Also, very important, the utilities (cold/hot water, electricity, gas, heating, wireless broadband Internet, digital TV, 1 parking spots, dishwashe, garbage disposal, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine, etc.) are included in the price of 300 Euro per month and i believe it is convenient for us both. All the bills will be paid by
me and you have to pay only the money for the rent in every month. The security deposit ( Kaution ) is also 300 Euro, and you get it back, when you decide to leave the apartment (you will have to give me at least 30 days notice). As for me, you can rest assured that I will never ask you to leave the apartment. My son is building him life here, and I am too old to move to Germany, so we won't disturb you. You can use my furniture, or you can also use your own if you prefer. If you decide to use yours, you will have access to a very large and well ventilated cellar, where you can store my furniture. Now, a little bit about myself so we can get to know each othe better. My name is Michael Somenov and I'm a 56 years old doctor pedriathic from Preston / United Kingdom ( working to Alder Hey Children's Hospital ), planning to retire in the next 6 years. I have no problem if you will keep animals. The only inconvenience is that my job doesn't allow me to leave Preston even for one
single day. But this won't affect you at all. I can make arrangements to rent the apartment from Preston (on my expense of course).
Thank you for your interest and I will look forward to hearing from you soon.
Michael Somenov
P.S. Please tell me if this is what are you looking for and reply my only if you are truly interested in the apt.
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