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FritzBox Integration

Your advantages

With tellows call protection you can immediately identify dubious phone numbers or unwanted advertising calls. By importing the phone numbers, the FritzBox recognizes unwanted callers who are known to the tellows community as soon as they ring. You can choose whether you want to show incoming calls on the display, silence them or block them! The tellows score helps you assess the seriousness. The higher the score, the more dangerous the number. Reminder service: We will remind you by email so that your license does not expire unnoticed.

Extend license for 1 year free of charge

By registering on you can link your license to your tellows user account. This allows you to maintain personal blocking lists and use them across devices. Your reviews on will then also be taken into account in the FritzBox telephone books. Certain license codes from tellows partners can unlock an additional year of call protection as a bonus. To do this, the license code must be linked to the user account in the member area of under “My phone blacklist”.

Quickstart Guide

These instructions are suitable for Fritzboxes with Fritz!OS 7.20 or higher.
  1. Select “Create new phone book” (in the Telephony / Phone book tab).
  2. Select “Use the phone book of an online provider”.
  3. Select “CardDAV provider”.
  4. Enter the “Internet address of the CardDAV server” with the following URL:
  5. Enter “Username” tellowsfritz
  6. Enter your API key from the download PDF in “Password”.
  7. Then repeat the steps and create the second phone book with URL
  8. Optionally: Activate call barring for incoming calls from the phone books
Activating Do Not Disturb in Austria and Switzerland
To activate in Austria, please replace .de of the server URLs from steps 4 and 7 with .at. For activation in Switzerland, please replace .de of the server URLs from steps 4 and 7 with .ch All information about setting up the Fritzbox can be found in the following video (please activate subtitles)

Detailed instructions

After successful payment of your order, you can access call protection directly. To do this, you must log in to your shop account and download the access data for call protection via your download area in the tellows shop (My Account -> My downloadable products). Step 1 is not necessary for ABO customers because the access data is sent as a PDF by email. call protection instructions

Open the user interface of your FritzBox and select the Telephony menu item. Open the “Phonebook” submenu and click “New Phonebook”. call protection instructions Enter a name for the new phone book. Now select “Use the phone book of an online provider” and click on “CardDAV provider”. call protection instructions

Then enter the required data. To do this, select the following server address that is relevant to the telephone book you have created. We recommend setting up two phone books with Score 7 and Score 8-9. Some FritzBoxes do not support the large number of entries from block list 7-9. Server addresses
Score 7 (800 entries): Score 8 and 9 (800 entries):
Score 7- 9 (1500 entries - not supported by all devices):
If you have purchased the Do Not Disturb license for another country, please replace the .deaccording to the server URL: Austria: .at Switzerland: .ch Italy: .it Great Britain: Username
Use “tellowsfritz” as the username. Password
Enter your license code / API key (10 digits) from the download PDF of your shop account here. call protection instructions After saving, the phone book is created. This process can take several minutes. The data is linked from the tellows server to the FritzBox. You can find out how you can increase the number of entries per phone book in the FAQsfurther down. The phone book is automatically updated once a day (usually at night). The first entry in every tellows phone book is a note about the validity of your license and the last update of the lists. Attention: The active phone book of a FRITZ!Fon is used by default for storing contacts, but has nothing to do with recognizing calls. All telephone books created in the FRITZ!Box are taken into account for identification in the FRITZ!Fon. Further information about the update can be found here:

Open your FritzBox and open the “Telephony” menu? “Reputation Handling”. Create a new block by clicking on “Add range” in the “Block number ranges” section of the incoming calls. Note For older FRITZ!OS versions, click under “Telephony”? “Call Handling” to “New Call Blocking”. call protection instructions Select the “Phonebook” section. call protection instructions First, set up call blocking for tellows Score 7. To do this, select the phone book “tellows Score 7” or your assigned name for the phone book. call protection instructions Then click “OK” to complete the process. call protection instructions The call blocking has now been set up for the phone book with the blacklist of score 7. call protection instructions Repeat the process with the tellows phone book 8-9. Both lists will then be displayed in the call blocking overview. Calls from numbers from these two lists will no longer go through. You will still see blocked calls in the FRITZ!Box call overview. These are marked red. Attention: If you import the blocking lists manually, you will have to set up the call blocking again when you import the blocking lists again.

These instructions are suitable for Fritzboxes with Fritz!OS less than 7.20 that do not yet support integration via CardDAV server. Download the blocking lists
The links to blocking list 7 and blocking lists 8-9 can be obtained from our support team. Please contact us via email
or contact form with your license code. We will then provide you with the link immediately. If you click on the links, the blocked lists will be downloaded. If the download is not linked in your file, simply copy the link and paste it into your browser address bar. The most current block list is then automatically generated and downloaded. A manual increase in the entries per list is possible with the parameter&limitsize=1000 possible at the end of the URL (the number is variable). By default, 700 entries are created per list. However, we do not recommend increasing the amount as it could result in higher utilization of the FritzBox. Manual call protection instructions Note: In some browsers, clicking on the links leads to a warning. → The tellows blacklists will in no way harm your computer. So you can download without any worries. Import into the Fritzbox
Open the user interface of your FritzBox and select the Telephony menu item. Manual call protection instructions Open the “Phonebook” submenu and click “New Phonebook”: Manual call protection instructions Create a new telephone book by clicking on the “Create new” button. Name the phone book “Tellows Score 7” and uncheck “Copy existing phone book”. Then click on “OK”: Manual call protection instructions Now click on “Restore”: Manual call protection instructions Press the “Browse…” button to load the downloaded tellows block list 7 from your computer onto the FritzBox. Once you have selected the correct file, click on “Restore phone book”: Manual call protection instructions The tellows blacklist with all Score 7 phone numbers will now be imported to your FritzBox. This may take a moment. Manual call protection instructions Repeat the steps with the “tellows blacklist 8 and 9” – don’t forget to name the new phone book “tellows Score 8-9”. We recommend that you update the tellows blacklists once a month. To do this, please open your order confirmation email or log in to To activate call blocking, simply follow step 4 from the instructions above. If you want personalization when downloading the lists manually , you can simply append a parameter to the download link to download an individual blocked list. To do this, add your individual key from the member account to the download link with the following parameters:. The key can be found in your member area on under My Telephone Blocked List . The personal blocking list contains all numbers that you yourself have rated negatively as well as numbers that the community has rated as dubious. Phone numbers that you rate with a score less than 7 will be added to the whitelist and will not be included in the blacklist, even if the phone number's community rating has a negative score. Your own reviews have higher priority than community reviews. Negatively rated numbers are updated on the server after approximately 15 minutes and added to the personal block list. The next time the online phone book is updated, the rated phone numbers will also be stored in the FritzBox phone book.

Easily expand the blacklist and report new phone numbers

Call protection not only protects you, but also others - become part of the community!

You can add, edit or delete entries in the tellows phone book using the Fritz!Fon or in the FRITZ!Box itself. Newly added phone numbers are also published on to warn other users of unwanted calls. If you have also registered on tellows and linked your license code, rated telephone numbers in your tellows phone book will already be synchronized in the FRITZ!Box. Numbers that you have blocked via FRITZ!Fon are automatically assigned to your user account.

Log in to
or create a new account . You can then insert your license key into your member area under My Telephone Blocked List to connect it to the user account on tellows. From now on, your own negative reviews of phone numbers via your account on will also be visible in your FritzBox and vice versa.

Open the desired phone number (e.g. from the call history) on the FRITZ!Fon and click on “Options”? "Take over". Assign a caller name and add the number to the contact (“Paste” from clipboard) to save it in the phone book. From now on you will see the phone number in your tellows phone book in the FRITZ!Box and in the FRITZ!Fon. After the next synchronization with the tellows online phone book server, the phone number entered will be displayed in the tellows phone book with score and category. Specially added numbers are stored under the name “My Score”, followed by score, caller name and category and are located above the community entries. The phone number then receives a negative rating on, which is visible to other users and helps to better estimate the number. If you have added the phone number to the tellows phone book score 7, the number will be given a score of 7. If you have selected the phone book with score 8-9, when you add the number to the phone book, the number will be rated with score 8 on If you use your user account on the website or via the tellows app to give a negative rating to a phone number that is not yet in the tellows phone book, this will also be in your phone book as "My Score" followed by the next time you synchronize Score, caller name and category appear and are recognized or blocked if you have activated call blocking. If you have selected the phone book with score 8-9, when you add the number to the phone book, the number will be rated with score 8 on If you use your user account on the website or via the tellows app to give a negative rating to a phone number that is not yet in the tellows phone book, this will also be in your phone book as "My Score" followed by the next time you synchronize Score, caller name and category appear and are recognized or blocked if you have activated call blocking. If you have selected the phone book with score 8-9, when you add the number to the phone book, the number will be rated with score 8 on If you use your user account on the website or via the tellows app to give a negative rating to a phone number that is not yet in the tellows phone book, this will also be in your phone book as "My Score" followed by the next time you synchronize Score, caller name and category appear and are recognized or blocked if you have activated call blocking. Attention: If you have selected a phone book other than the tellows phone books by default (e.g. your own contacts), the phone number will not be blocked or published on tellows. Before blocking, select one of the tellows phonebooks as the active phonebook to properly backup the call contact and also synchronize it with tellows. Add number fritzbox Entry in the tellows phone book of the FRITZ!Box after submitting a review on or manual entry in the phone book. add number website Negative review on by adding the number in the tellows phone book of the FRITZ!Box or via the FRITZ!Fon

If you do not want to block a number in your tellows phone book in the future, you can block the entry via “Options”? Remove “Delete”. This will not appear in your phone book again. To search for telephone numbers, use the international spelling +49, which is used for all entries in the telephone book. On, a neutral rating is given for the telephone number, which is visible to other users. You can block the entry again at any time by adding the number to the tellows phone book or giving it a negative rating on If you use your user account on the website or via the tellows app to give a positive or neutral review of a phone number that is currently in the tellows phone book, Delete number in Fritzbox Entry in the tellows phone book of the FRITZ!Box before deletion (deletion by clicking on the red button on the right or via the FRITZ!Fon) number is rated positively Neutral rating on by deleting the number in the tellows phone book of the FRITZ!Box or via the FRITZ!Fon

You can edit the caller name of existing entries. If you know a more precise caller name for the phone number, you can do this under “Options”? Adjust “Change” so that, for example, “newspaper subscription extension” is displayed instead of “newspapers” in the future. This will then be displayed in a modified form in your tellows phone book. Specially added numbers are stored under the name "My Score", followed by Score, your entered caller name and category, and are listed above the community entries. The number automatically receives a negative rating on with the new caller name entered, which in turn is different Helps users to better assess the number. Edit caller name Entry in the tellows phone book of the FRITZ!Box before changing the entry (change by clicking on the pencil symbol or the FRITZ!Fon) new caller name website Adding a rating on by changing the caller name in the tellows phone book of the FRITZ!Box or via the FRITZ !Fon Attention: When adding, deleting or changing phone numbers in the tellows phone book, a rating is added to the number on No personal data of the user will be published or transmitted.

The standard value for the number of entries per phone book is 800. Newer FRITZ!Boxes and current FRITZ!OS versions from 7.24 have improved support for online phone books and in most cases can also exceed the official phone book limit of 1,000 entries without any problems. We do not recommend the change for older FRITZ!Box versions. If you would like to have more phone numbers in your phone book to expand call protection, you can adjust the limit of phone book entries with the following URLs when creating the phone books: https:// The total number of entries per phone book with these URLs is 1,200. The limit per telephone book is 1,900 entries. You can therefore further increase the limit specified in the links if this does not put too much strain on your FRITZ!Box. To create a phone book with more entries, you should remove the existing phone books and create new ones (editing phone books is only possible from FRITZ!OS 7.24 onwards, otherwise changes will be overwritten with the original value). The username and password remain the same.

Register and secure benefits

Do you already use other tellows products and would like to have phone numbers that you have blocked on your Android phone, for example, in your FRITZ!Box list? No problem - after linking your license to your account on tellows, all rated phone numbers (positive and negative) will be taken into account when updating the phone books and can be viewed in your member area on

Link tellows account

You have various options for connecting your license key to your user account: For Amazon customers and tellows shop customers:
  1. Log in to or create a new account . You can then insert your license key into your member area under My Telephone Blocked List to connect it to the user account on tellows. A license key can only be linked to one user account. A change is not possible subsequently. You can find the current term in the member area or in the FRITZ!Box when you open one of the tellows phone books.
For tellows Shop customers:
    1. You can use the same email address in the tellows shop to purchase call protection and for your account on the tellows website (only Open ID possible). Your key is then automatically linked.
  1. OR (Alternative to 1.) use the link to register on from your download document from the tellows shop : “Log in now and link your shop account with your tellows account”. Then log in to tellows
    within the same browser session to link the account.
If you would like to download the lists manually, you can append a parameter to the download link to download a custom blacklist that uses rated numbers from your member account: insert &userapikey="your personal code from the members area " . The key is in your member area on under My Telephone Blocked Listto find. If you use the CardDAV solution, personalization is already linked to your license key and is taken into account. The personal blocking list contains all numbers that you yourself have rated negatively as well as numbers that the community has rated as dubious. Phone numbers that you rate with a score less than 7 will be added to the whitelist and will not be included in the blacklist, even if the phone number's community rating has a negative score. Your own reviews have higher priority than community reviews. Negatively rated numbers are updated on the server after approximately 15 minutes and added to the personal block list. The next time the online phone book is updated, the rated phone numbers will also be stored in the FritzBox phone book.

One year of free call protection for partner products

Certain license codes from tellows partners (e.g. Amazon) receive an additional year of call protection as a bonus if this is linked to the user account in the member area of under “My telephone blacklist” . All you have to do is create an Open ID account on You can find more information about registration and personalization here.

FAQ / Frequently asked questions

If you have purchased call protection via, you can extend the existing license. To do this, your old license must have expired. If you then purchase the product againYour old license key can be reactivated with the same shop account that was used for the first purchase. After completing the purchase, you must open the PDF document with the documentation in the download area of your shop account as you did for the first purchase. At this moment your license will be reactivated. In the document you will find your license and a note that the existing license has been renewed. You don't have to do anything else afterwards. The FritzBox will automatically obtain the current lists again with the next update with the reactivated license, so that no further configurations are necessary. If you purchased your license through a partner shop (e.g. Amazon) and created an account on and linked it to your license in the member areayou can also extend your license. To do this, when purchasing via, you only need to use the same email address that your account has on Otherwise, a new license will be created when you purchase it and you will have to set up your call protection in the FritzBox with the new license. We will remind you by email when your license expires so that the call protection can continue to protect you and does not expire unnoticed.

If you no longer need or want to use the tellows phone books, select the “Telephony” tab? “Phonebook” from one of the created tellows phone books. If the tellows phone book is active, click the red button above to delete the phone book. You will receive a note: "All entries in the 'tellows Score 7' telephone book are stored with your online provider. If you add the 'tellows Score 7' telephone book managed on the Internet again at a later date, all entries will be available again. Do you want now remove the phone book 'tellows Score 7'?" You can confirm this.The entire telephone book and all the rules created for it within the call blocking are then deleted. Delete phone book

If an error message occurs after integration (error 22), the data was entered incorrectly and access to the server was not possible. Make sure that there are no spaces before or after the server address. Use https and not http . Make sure all characters in the URL are lowercase. In the best case scenario, copy the URL from the instructions. If a character is missing or incorrect, connection to the server is not possible. Correct your details and then try connecting again.

If an error message occurs after integration (Error 26), remove the phone book completely and recreate it. It may happen that an error occurs on the first attempt. Make sure to use a slash at the end of the server address. If a character is missing, a connection to the server is not possible. Phonebooks once created and later changed may not be saved correctly with the new changes. If there was an error when you first created the phone book, your corrections will probably not be taken into account. For this reason, the telephone book should be recreated. If you create the phone book again, we recommend restarting the Fritzbox beforehand and deleting the old incorrect phone books. If you create a previously created phone book again, give the phone book a different name. It may happen that the Fritzbox loads the old data import from memory when the phone book is created again with the same name.

It is possible that you will be called from numbers that tellows does not yet recognize. Unfortunately, we cannot cover 100% of all unwanted calls because phone numbers change very frequently and we are only informed about them when they are reported by other users. However, it is also possible that some of these numbers have already been reported on tellows but are not in the phone book due to the phone book limit. Due to the limitation of the FRITZ!Box phone book size, we cannot include all numbers that contain a negative tellows score in the lists. In order for numbers to end up on the list, they must have a certain search volume and a certain number of reviews (at least 3) in the last few weeks. It is possible that the number will also end up on the lists soon, if users continue to report the number as active. We use this procedure so that numbers that are no longer active or are misrated do not end up on the list. You have the option to change the list size manually and increase the standard size to include numbers that meet the criteria but are too far behind are in the blocked list, but still have to be included in the FritzBox. To do this, follow the followingInstructions

Older FRITZ!Boxes and older FRITZ!Fons may take more time to update or may be more heavily utilized. We recommend reducing the number of entries in the telephone book so that the utilization is lower. The default value for the number of entries per phone book is 800. There are usually no problems with 700 entries. To create a phone book with fewer entries, you should remove the existing tellows phone books and create new ones with the following URLs: 8-9/limit_700/ The username and password remain the same. You can try to further increase or decrease the limit parameter if you want to use more entries in your phone book and have no performance problems with the FRITZ!

You can remove, edit or manually add entries in the two tellows phone books at any time. You can find out how to proceed in the section on expanding the blocked list and reporting new phone numbers .

The standard value for the number of entries per phone book is 800. Newer FRITZ!Boxes and current FRITZ!OS versions from 7.24 have improved support for online phone books and in most cases can also exceed the official phone book limit of 1,000 entries without any problems. We do not recommend the change for older FRITZ!Box versions. If you would like to have more phone numbers in your phone book to expand call protection, you can adjust the limit of phone book entries with the following URLs when creating the phone books: https:// The total number of entries per phone book with these URLs is 1,200. The limit per telephone book is 1,900 entries. You can therefore further increase the limit specified in the links if this does not put too much strain on your FRITZ!Box. To create a phone book with more entries, you should remove the existing phone books and create new ones (editing phone books is only possible from FRITZ!OS 7.24 onwards, otherwise changes will be overwritten with the original value). The username and password remain the same.

The active phone book of a FRITZ!Fon is used by default for storing contacts, but has nothing to do with recognizing calls. All telephone books created in the FRITZ!Box are taken into account for identification in the FRITZ!Fon.

Each tellows phone book contains an entry at the top indicating the validity of the license and the last update date. The Fritz!Box updates once a day.

Unfortunately no, because call centers constantly change their numbers so that blocks and the like can be avoided. However, regularly updating the lists can lead to a significant improvement in the situation.

So far, Fritz!Boxes with Fritz!OS 7.20 and higher as well as the laboratory version of 7.19 support CardDAV server integration. Check whether an update is possible for your Fritz!Box. If the function is not supported at all, you can activate do not disturb manually by creating two phone books and importing the blocking lists. These must be updated manually on a regular basis. You can find the procedure in the instructions for manual import .
Do you have any questions and couldn't find any help in the FAQs? Then send your request via our support form . We will endeavor to respond to you as quickly as possible.