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Sebastian Brent 00447848493088 / +447848493088

Anruftypen: Kostenfalle
Anrufername: Sebastian Brent mehr...
Bewertungen: 44
Einschätzung: sehr unseriös, nicht annehmen, Kommentare beachten!
Neuster Kommentar (10.06.12 12:35)

myschnupperl schrieb: Treibt sein Unwesen nicht nur in Deutschland, sondern auch in Österreich(Salzburg!)! Hello, I... alle Bewertungen

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Details zur Telefonnummer

Vorwahl: mobil phone number - Großbritannien
Telefonnummer: 004478-48493088
Rufnummer +447848493088 aus mobil phone number 21 mal als Kostenfalle eingestuft.

Weitere Informationen: Herausfinden
Alle Angaben erfolgen ohne Gewähr!

Achtung, 00447848493088 ist negativ bewertet. Anrufschutz empfohlen!

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tellows bietet viele Services rund um die Anruferkennung und den Schutz vor unerwünschten Anrufen. Täglich werden tausende Menschen telefonisch belästigt und tellows bietet seit 2010 eine Plattform für Austausch und Hilfe.

tellows Score für +447848493088

Verteilung der Anruftypen und Anrufernamen in den Bewertungen

21 Meldungen
7 Meldungen
11 Meldungen
Sebastian Brent
2 Meldungen
2 Meldungen
alias David Fisher
1 Meldungen
[email protected]
1 Meldungen
[email protected] (1) [email protected] (1) [email protected] (1) alias Sebastian Brent (1) [email protected] (1)
[email protected]; im Auftrag von; Gerald Gran (1) 00447848493088 (1) [email protected] (1) roland_daniel@ymail (1) [email protected] (1) [email protected] (1)
Rufnummer +447848493088 aus mobil phone number 21 mal als Kostenfalle eingestuft: Hello,  I've just read your message rega... 15884 Aufrufe bei tellows, der größten Community für Telefonnummern

Bewertung abgeben und Nummer blockieren

Wer ruft an mit 00447848493088?

  1. 2

    HamburgScout meldete die Nummer ‎+447848493088 als Kostenfalle

    27.12.11 10:18


    I've just read your message regarding my apartment.
    Sorry if my answer comes quite late, but your email arrived in my spam folder, and I didn't see it until now.
    I bought this apartment for my daughter during her studies in Germany, but now she's back home permanently, so I'm renting it out.
    We will not use the place any more, so you can rent it even for long term without any worries.
    The flat is fully furnished and renovated, as you could see from the photos.
    You can use my furniture, or you can also use your own if you prefer. If you decide to use yours, you can store my furniture in the large basement cellar.
    The place is fully equipped with air conditioning, dishwasher, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine, LCD TV, etc.
    Also, very important, the utilities (water, electricity, broadband Internet, digital TV, garage) are included in the rent of 400 EUR/month.
    The kaution is EUR 500,00, and you will get it back when you will move out (I will need a 30 days notice).
    Now, a little bit about myself: My name is Henry Gibson and I'm a 59 years old retired architect from Bristol.
    I'm a pet owner myself, so I will have no problem if you want to keep a pet in the house, as long as nothing is damaged.
    Unfortunately, my health and ongoing treatment don't allow me to do any travelling for the next few months, so I will not be able to come and meet you personally for a while.
    However, this won't affect the rental at all. I can make arrangements to have a real estate agency handle everything for me.
    I would like to know how many persons you intend to share the flat with, and for how long. Any other details about yourself would be welcomed.

    So I guess this is it for now, I hope I didn't forget anything, since my memory isn't what it used to be any more :)

    All the best from old Britain, and hope to hear from you soon!

    Henry Gibson
    55, Broadmead,
    Bristol , BS1 3EA
    Tel: 00447848493088
    [email protected]

    Dieter antwortete 01.02.12 09:42

    I've just read your message regarding my apartment.
    I apologize if my answer comes quite late, but your email arrived in my spam folder, and I haven't seen it until now.
    I bought this apartment for my daughter during her studies in Germany, but now she's back home permanently, so I'm renting it out.
    We will not use the place any more, so you can rent it even for a long term.
    The flat is fully furnished and renovated, as you could see from the photos.
    You can use my furniture, or you can also use your own if you prefer. If you decide to use yours, you can store my furniture in the large basement cellar.
    The place is fully equipped with air conditioning, dishwasher, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine, LCD TV, etc.
    Also, very important, the utilities (water, electricity, broadband Internet, digital TV, garage) are included in the rent of 400 EUR/month.
    The kaution is EUR 500,00, and you will get it back when you will move out (I will need a 30 days notice).
    Now, a little bit about myself: My name is Sebastian Brent and I'm a 59 years old retired architect from London.
    I'm a pet owner myself, so I will have no problem if you want to keep a pet in the house, as long as nothing is damaged.
    Unfortunately, my health and ongoing treatment don't allow me to do any travelling for the next few months, so I will not be able to come and meet you personally for a while.
    However, this won't affect the rental at all. I can make arrangements to have a real estate agency handle everything for me.
    I would like to know how many persons you intend to share the flat with, and for how long. Any other details about yourself would be appreciated.
    So I guess this is it for now, I hope I didn't forget anything.

    Friendly greetings from the UK!

    Sebastian Brent
    4 Craven Hill,
    London , W2 3DS
    Tel: 00447848493088
    [email protected]

  2. 1

    myschnupperl meldete die Nummer ‎00447848493088 als Kostenfalle

    10.06.12 12:35

    Treibt sein Unwesen nicht nur in Deutschland, sondern auch in Österreich(Salzburg!)!


    I just read your e-mail regarding my apartment located in :Kaigasse 5 5020 Salzburg . It has 2 rooms : 1 bedrooms, 1 bathrooms, 1 kitchen and 1 living room (70m2).
    I bought this apartment for my daughter during her studies in Austria, but now she's back home permanently, so I'm renting it out.
    We will not use the place any more, so you can rent it even for a long term.
    The flat is fully furnished and renovated, as you could see from the photos.
    You can use my furniture, or you can also use your own if you prefer. If you decide to use yours, you can store my furniture in the large basement cellar.
    The place is fully equipped with air conditioning, dishwasher, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine, LCD TV, etc.
    Also, very important, the utilities (water, electricity,Internet, digital TV,) are included in the rent of 400€/month.
    The kaution is 640€, and you will get it back when you will move out (I will need a 30 days notice).
    Now, a little bit about myself: My name is Paul Waechter husband of Katherine Wade and I'm a 49 years old retired architect from Nicosia/Cyprus.
    I'm a pet owner myself, so I will have no problem if you want to keep a pet in the house, as long as nothing is damaged.
    Unfortunately, my health and ongoing treatment don't allow me to do any travelling for the next few months, so I will not be able to come and meet you personally for a while.
    However, this won't affect the rental at all. I can make arrangements to have a real estate agency handle everything for me.
    I would like to know how many persons you intend to share the flat with, and for how long. Any other details about yourself would be appreciated.
    So I guess this is it for now, I hope I didn't forget anything.

    Friendly greetings from the Cyprus!


    Paul Waechter

    17 Griva Dhigeni Street
    2642,Nicosia, Cyprus
    [email protected]

    ACHTUNG!! Wohnungsbetrug! Vorkasse durch TNT!!

    Telefonnummer 0661/7809730

    myschnupperl antwortete 10.06.12 12:39
    Telefonnummer 0661/7809730 ist die Nummer, mit der er betrügt!! --> kein Anschluss unter dieser Nummer!

  3. 1

    bannana meldete die Nummer ‎+447848493088 als Kostenfalle

    19.01.12 14:42

    bin bei vorkasse stutzig geworden und hab mal gegoogelt. gottseidank. ging um eine wohnung in HH.

    mit der zweiten mail kam sogar ein bild von seinerm vermeintlichem ausweis mit...


    I've just read your message regarding my apartment.

    I apologize if my answer comes quite late, but your email arrived in
    my spam folder, and I haven't seen it until now.

    I bought this apartment for my daughter during her studies in Germany,
    but now she's back home permanently, so I'm renting it out.

    We will not use the place any more, so you can rent it even for a long term.

    The flat is fully furnished and renovated, as you could see from the photos.

    You can use my furniture, or you can also use your own if you prefer. If
    you decide to use yours, you can store my furniture in the large
    basement cellar.

    The place is fully equipped with air conditioning, dishwasher,
    microwave, refrigerator, washing machine, LCD TV, etc.

    Also, very important, the utilities (water, electricity, broadband
    Internet, digital TV, garage) are included in the rent of 400 EUR/month.

    The kaution is EUR 500,00, and you will get it back when you will move
    out (I will need a 30 days notice).

    Now, a little bit about myself: My name is Gerald Grant and I'm a 59
    years old retired architect from Bristol.

    I'm a pet owner myself, so I will have no problem if you want to keep
    a pet in the house, as long as nothing is damaged.

    Unfortunately, my health and ongoing treatment don't allow me to do any
    travelling for the next few months, so I will not be able to come and
    meet you personally for a while.

    However, this won't affect the rental at all. I can make arrangements
    to have a real estate agency handle everything for me.

    I would like to know how many persons you intend to share the flat with,
    and for how long. Any other details about yourself would be

    So I guess this is it for now, I hope I didn't forget anything.

    Friendly greetings from the UK!


    Gerald Grant


    4, Broad Plain,

    Bristol , BS2 0JP

    Tel: 00447848493088

    [email protected]



    Thank you for your reply.

    After analysing all the applications together with my wife, we decided
    that you would be suitable to rent the apartment.

    As I said, the total price which you'll have to pay for one month of
    rent (warm miete) will be €400, no additional costs.

    I hope you agree that it's a very reasonable offer, and I don't rent
    this flat for big profits.

    The rent will be paid monthly, to my bank account.

    In order to view the flat and settle a deal, you will need the keys,
    and the contract.

    Since I am unable to come to Germany personally, and my daughter is
    already back here, I've hired a major real estate agency from Bristol,
    specialized in international rentals, to represent me.

    They are called Bradford Lettings, and their website is:

    This agency will help you inspect the flat, and handle the payments
    and documents.

    Please call them for any questions regarding the transaction, because i
    might not be always reachable, and they can also give you more details
    than I can. You can find their number on the Contact section of their

    Here's how it works :

    1 - To start this transaction, I need you to go to and click REGISTER and fill out the form.

    2 - I will go to the Bradford Lettings office to drop off the keys and
    documents of the flat, along with the contract

    3 - Bradford Lettings will verify he documents, and send you an
    invoice (rechnung).

    4 - At this point you'll have to pay the kaution (500 EURO) as a
    security deposit to Bradford Lettings, according to the instructions
    from the invoice.

    This will be a guarantee that they don't send an agent all the way to
    Germany for a nothing. The deposit will be only a temporary guarantee,

    and will not obligate you to renting the flat.

    The money will remain in the custody of Bradford Lettings until you
    have checked the flat and confirmed that everything is ok.

    5 - After you pay the deposit, and send them the details, Bradford
    Lettings will send an agent to Germany in the next 24-48 hours (Monday
    to Friday)

    to meet you and help you inspect the flat. You can choose the date and
    time of inspection, to fit your schedule .

    7 - If you will be satisfied with the flat, you will sign a copy of the
    contract and pay the first monthly rent to the agent (the following
    rents will be paid directly to my account)

    However, if you are not pleased with the apartment for any reason, the
    Bradford Lettings agent will give you the money back on the spot, and I
    will get my keys and documents back.

    I will pay for the services of the agency, so there will be no extra
    costs for you.

    Also, in case you have another apartment right now, and you cannot move
    out immediately, we can arrange the deposit and inspection now, and

    the flat reserved for you. You will move in when you are ready and pay
    the first rent then.

    If everything is ok, please email me the details that I requested
    above, so I can make the arrangements.

    I have also attached a copy of my passport to this email as a sign of
    good faith. (sorry for the bad picture :))

    I look forward to your quick response, because there are several others
    interested in the apartment, and I need to know if I can count on a deal
    with you.

    Best greetings!


    Gerald Grant


    4, Broad Plain,

    Bristol , BS2 0JP

    Tel: 00447848493088

    [email protected]

    Dieter antwortete 01.02.12 09:47
    Achtung nun heisst er Sebastian Brent sogar mit Ausweisbild !!!
    Nun vermietet er in Frankfurt/Main

  4. 1

    acc meldete die Nummer ‎+447848493088 als Kostenfalle

    22.12.11 19:11

    Auf meine Mail kam Folgendes:
    Von: "David Lambert" <[email protected]>
    An: undisclosed-recipients:;
    Gesendet: Donnerstag, 22. Dezember 2011 13:55:37
    Betreff: rental procedure
    Thank you for your reply.
    After analysing all the applications together with my wife, we decided that you would be suitable to rent the apartment.
    As I said, the total price which you'll have to pay for one month of rent (warm miete) will be €400, no additional costs.
    I hope you agree that it's a very reasonable offer, and I don't rent this flat for big profits.
    The rent will be paid monthly, to my bank account.
    In order to view the flat and settle a deal, you will need the keys, and the contract.
    Since I am unable to come to Germany personally, and my daughter is already back here, I've hired a major real estate agency from Bristol, specialized in international rentals, to represent me.

    They are called House & Co. Ltd, and their website is:
    This agency will help you inspect the flat, and handle the payments and documents.
    Please call them for any questions regarding the transaction, because i might not be always reachable, and they can also give you more details than I can. You can find their number on the Contact section of their website.

    Here's how it works :
    1 - To start this transaction, I need your full name, address and telephone number. I will also need to know the rental period for the contract.
    2 - I will go to the House & Co. office to drop off the keys and documents of the house, along with the contract
    3 - House & Co. will verify he documents, and send you an invoice (rechnung).
    4 - At this point you'll have to pay the kaution (500 EURO) as a security deposit to House & Co., according to the instructions from the invoice.
    This will be a guarantee that they don't send an agent all the way to Germany for a nothing. The deposit will be only a temporary guarantee,
    and will not obligate you to renting the flat.
    The money will remain in the custody of House & Co. until you have checked the flat and confirmed that everything is ok.
    5 - After you pay the deposit, and send them the details, House & Co. will send an agent to Germany in the next 24-48 hours (Monday to Friday)
    to meet you and help you inspect the flat. You can choose the date and time of inspection, to fit your schedule .
    7 - If you will be satisfied with the flat, you will sign a copy of the contract and pay the first monthly rent to the agent (the following rents will be paid directly to my account)
    However, if you are not pleased with the apartment for any reason, the House & Co. agent will give you the money back on the spot, and I will get my keys and documents back.

    I will pay for the services of the agency, so there will be no extra costs for you.
    Also, in case you have another apartment right now, and you cannot move out immediately, we can arrange the deposit and inspection now, and consider
    the flat reserved for you. You will move in when you are ready and pay the first rent then.
    If everything is ok, please email me the details that I requested above, so I can make the arrangements.
    I have also attached a copy of my passport to this email as a sign of good faith. (sorry for the bad picture :))

    I look forward to your quick response, because there are several others interested in the apartment, and I need to know if I can count on a deal with you.
    Best greetings!
    David Lambert
    53, Broadmead,
    Bristol , BS1 3EA
    Tel: 00447848493088
    [email protected]

    Bei Vorauskasse bin ich richtig wach geworden

  5. 0

    Facto24 meldete die Nummer ‎+447848493088 als Kostenfalle

    28.04.12 17:53

    Siehe auch:

  6. 0

    Facto24 meldete die Nummer ‎00447848493088 als Kostenfalle

    28.04.12 17:52

    Siehe auch:

  7. 0

    Ginny meldete die Nummer ‎+447848493088 mit Score 1

    16.04.12 18:25

    Ethan Lukas
    17 Griva Dhigeni Street
    2642,Nicosia, Cyprus
    [email protected]

    I just read your e-mail regarding my apartment located in : Nowogrodzka 12 01-001 Warszawa. It has 2 rooms : 1 bedrooms, 1 bathrooms, 1 kitchen and 1 living room (80m2).
    I bought this apartment for my daughter during her studies in Warszawa, but now she's back home permanently, so I'm renting it out.
    We will not use the place any more, so you can rent it even for a long term.
    The flat is fully furnished and renovated, as you could see from the photos.
    You can use my furniture, or you can also use your own if you prefer. If you decide to use yours, you can store my furniture in the large basement cellar.
    The place is fully equipped with air conditioning, dishwasher, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine, LCD TV, etc.
    Also, very important, the utilities (water, electricity,Internet, digital TV,) are included in the rent of 1450 PLN/month.
    The kaution is 2000 PLN, and you will get it back when you will move out (I will need a 30 days notice).
    Now, a little bit about myself: My name is Ethan Lukas husband of Katherine Wade and I'm a 59 years old retired architect from Nicosia/Cyprus.
    I'm a pet owner myself, so I will have no problem if you want to keep a pet in the house, as long as nothing is damaged.
    Unfortunately, my health and ongoing treatment don't allow me to do any travelling for the next few months, so I will not be able to come and meet you personally for a while.
    However, this won't affect the rental at all. I can make arrangements to have a real estate agency handle everything for me.
    I would like to know how many persons you intend to share the flat with, and for how long. Any other details about yourself would be appreciated.
    So I guess this is it for now, I hope I didn't forget anything.

    Friendly greetings from the Cyprus!


  8. 0

    wohnungsbetrug2010 meldete alias David Fisher mit der Nummer ‎00447848493088 als Kostenfalle

    06.03.12 06:40

    David Fisher
    20 Fortune Green Road
    London , NW6 1UE
    Tel: 00447848493088
    [email protected]

  9. 0

    wohnungsbetrug2010 meldete [email protected] mit der Nummer ‎+447848493088 als Kostenfalle

    28.02.12 09:26

    Vorkassebetrüger´s Antwort:
    I've just read your message regarding my apartment.
    I apologize if my answer comes quite late, but your email arrived in my spam folder, and I haven't seen it until now.
    I bought this apartment for my daughter during her studies in Germany, but now she's back home permanently, so I'm renting it out.
    We will not use the place any more, so you can rent it even for a long term.
    The flat is fully furnished and renovated, as you could see from the photos.
    You can use my furniture, or you can also use your own if you prefer. If you decide to use yours, you can store my furniture in the large basement cellar.
    The place is fully equipped with air conditioning, dishwasher, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine, LCD TV, etc.
    Also, very important, the utilities (water, electricity, broadband Internet, digital TV, garage) are included in the rent of 400 EUR/month.
    The kaution is EUR 500,00, and you will get it back when you will move out (I will need a 30 days notice).
    Now, a little bit about myself: My name is James Roland and I'm a 59 years old retired architect from London.
    I'm a pet owner myself, so I will have no problem if you want to keep a pet in the house, as long as nothing is damaged.
    Unfortunately, my health and ongoing treatment don't allow me to do any travelling for the next few months, so I will not be able to come and meet you personally for a while.
    However, this won't affect the rental at all. I can make arrangements to have a real estate agency handle everything for me.
    I would like to know how many persons you intend to share the flat with, and for how long. Any other details about yourself would be appreciated.
    So I guess this is it for now, I hope I didn't forget anything.

    Friendly greetings from the UK!

    James Roland
    20 Fortune Green Road
    London , NW6 1UE
    Tel: 00447848493088
    [email protected]

  10. 0

    wohnungsbetrug2010 meldete [email protected] mit der Nummer ‎00447848493088 als Kostenfalle

    21.02.12 04:28

    Stanley Grant
    20 Fortune Green Road
    London , NW6 1UE
    Tel: 00447848493088
    [email protected]

  11. 0

    wohnungsbetrug2010 meldete [email protected] mit der Nummer ‎00447848493088 als Kostenfalle

    17.02.12 07:41

    Carl Gibson
    19, Hamilton Crescent,
    London , N13 5LN

    wohnungsbetrug2010 antwortete 26.02.12 08:00
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    51, Leyspring Road
    London E11 3BP

    t. 0044 7977 628 990
    f. 0044 7043 067 519
    e. [email protected]

  12. 0

    wohnungsbetrug2010 meldete [email protected] mit der Nummer ‎+447848493088 als Kostenfalle

    07.02.12 05:33

    Vorkassebetrüger alias
    Frank Davidson
    19, Hamilton Crescent,
    London , N13 5LN
    Tel: 00447848493088
    [email protected]

    wohnungsbetrug2010 antwortete 10.02.12 18:48
    Von: Frank Davidson [email protected]&gt;
    An:Betreff: apartment for rent

    I've just read your message regarding my apartment.
    I apologize if my answer comes quite late, but your email arrived in my spam folder, and I haven't seen it until now.
    I bought this apartment for my daughter during her studies in Germany,
    but now she's back home permanently, so I'm renting it out.
    We will not use the place any more, so you can rent it even for a long term.
    The flat is fully furnished and renovated, as you could see from the photos.
    You can use my furniture, or you can also use your own if you prefer. If
    you decide to use yours, you can store my furniture in the large
    basement cellar.
    The place is fully equipped with air conditioning, dishwasher, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine, LCD TV, etc.
    Also, very important, the utilities (water, electricity, broadband
    Internet, digital TV, garage) are included in the rent of 400 EUR/month.
    The kaution is EUR 500,00, and you will get it back when you will move out (I will need a 30 days notice).
    Now, a little bit about myself: My name is Frank Davidson and I'm a 59 years old retired architect from London.

    I'm a pet owner myself, so I will have no problem if you want to keep a pet in the house, as long as nothing is damaged.

    Unfortunately, my health and ongoing treatment don't allow me to do any
    travelling for the next few months, so I will not be able to come and
    meet you personally for a while.

    However, this won't affect the rental at all. I can make arrangements to have a real estate agency handle everything for me.

    I would like to know how many persons you intend to share the flat with,
    and for how long. Any other details about yourself would be

    So I guess this is it for now, I hope I didn't forget anything.

    Friendly greetings from the UK!
    Frank Davidson
    19, Hamilton Crescent,
    London , N13 5LN
    Tel: 00447848493088
    [email protected]

  13. 0

    Diddi meldete die Nummer ‎00447848493088 als Sebastian Brent

    31.01.12 14:00

    Für eine Wohnung in Frankfurt, nun unter dem Namn Sebastian Brent

    B E T R Ü G E R !!!!!!!!!!


    I've just read your message regarding my apartment.
    I apologize if my answer comes quite late, but your email arrived in my spam folder, and I haven't seen it until now.
    I bought this apartment for my daughter during her studies in Germany, but now she's back home permanently, so I'm renting it out.
    We will not use the place any more, so you can rent it even for a long term.
    The flat is fully furnished and renovated, as you could see from the photos.
    You can use my furniture, or you can also use your own if you prefer. If you decide to use yours, you can store my furniture in the large basement cellar.
    The place is fully equipped with air conditioning, dishwasher, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine, LCD TV, etc.
    Also, very important, the utilities (water, electricity, broadband Internet, digital TV, garage) are included in the rent of 400 EUR/month.
    The kaution is EUR 500,00, and you will get it back when you will move out (I will need a 30 days notice).
    Now, a little bit about myself: My name is Sebastian Brent and I'm a 59 years old retired architect from London.
    I'm a pet owner myself, so I will have no problem if you want to keep a pet in the house, as long as nothing is damaged.
    Unfortunately, my health and ongoing treatment don't allow me to do any travelling for the next few months, so I will not be able to come and meet you personally for a while.
    However, this won't affect the rental at all. I can make arrangements to have a real estate agency handle everything for me.
    I would like to know how many persons you intend to share the flat with, and for how long. Any other details about yourself would be appreciated.
    So I guess this is it for now, I hope I didn't forget anything.

    Friendly greetings from the UK!

    Sebastian Brent
    4 Craven Hill,
    London , W2 3DS
    Tel: 00447848493088
    [email protected]

    wohnungsbetrug2010 antwortete 10.02.12 18:51
    Von: Frank Davidson [email protected]&gt;
    Betreff: rental procedure
    Thank you for your reply.
    After analysing all the applications together with my wife, we decided that you would be suitable to rent the apartment.
    As I said, the total price which you'll have to pay for one month of rent (warm miete) will be €400, no additional costs.
    I hope you agree that it's a very reasonable offer, and I don't rent this flat for big profits.
    The rent will be paid monthly, to my bank account.
    In order to view the flat and settle a deal, you will need the keys, and the contract.
    Since I am unable to come to Germany personally, and my daughter is already back here, I've hired a major real estate agency from London, specialized in international rentals, to represent me.

    They are called Bradford Lettings, and their website is:
    This agency will help you inspect the flat, and handle the payments and documents.
    Please call them for any questions regarding the transaction, because i might not be always reachable, and they can also give you more details than I can. You can find their number on the Contact section of their website.

    Here's how it works :
    1 - To start this transaction, I need you to go to and click REGISTER and fill out the form.
    2 - I will go to the Bradford Lettings office to drop off the keys and documents of the flat, along with the contract
    3 - Bradford Lettings will verify he documents, and send you an invoice (rechnung).
    4 - At this point you'll have to pay the kaution (500 EURO) as a security deposit to Bradford Lettings, according to the instructions from the invoice.
    This will be a guarantee that they don't send an agent all the way to Germany for a nothing. The deposit will be only a temporary guarantee,
    and will not obligate you to renting the flat.
    The money will remain in the custody of Bradford Lettings until you have checked the flat and confirmed that everything is ok.
    5 - After you pay the deposit, and send them the details, Bradford Lettings will send an agent to Germany in the next 24-48 hours (Monday to Friday)
    to meet you and help you inspect the flat. You can choose the date and time of inspection, to fit your schedule .
    7 - If you will be satisfied with the flat, you will sign a copy of the contract and pay the first monthly rent to the agent (the following rents will be paid directly to my account)
    However, if you are not pleased with the apartment for any reason, the Bradford Lettings agent will give you the money back on the spot, and I will get my keys and documents back.

    I will pay for the services of the agency, so there will be no extra costs for you.
    Also, in case you have another apartment right now, and you cannot move out immediately, we can arrange the deposit and inspection now, and consider
    the flat reserved for you. You will move in when you are ready and pay the first rent then.
    If everything is ok, please email me the details that I requested above, so I can make the arrangements.
    I have also attached a copy of my passport to this email as a sign of good faith. (sorry for the bad picture :))

    I look forward to your quick response, because there are several others interested in the apartment, and I need to know if I can count on a deal with you.
    Best greetings!
    Frank Davidson
    19, Hamilton Crescent,
    London , N13 5LN
    Tel: 00447848493088
    [email protected]

  14. 0

    Diddi meldete die Nummer ‎+447848493088 als Sebastian Brent

    31.01.12 13:58

    Für eine Wohnung in Frankfurt, nun unter dem Namn Sebastian Brent

    B E T R Ü G E R !!!!!!!!!!


    I've just read your message regarding my apartment.
    I apologize if my answer comes quite late, but your email arrived in my spam folder, and I haven't seen it until now.
    I bought this apartment for my daughter during her studies in Germany, but now she's back home permanently, so I'm renting it out.
    We will not use the place any more, so you can rent it even for a long term.
    The flat is fully furnished and renovated, as you could see from the photos.
    You can use my furniture, or you can also use your own if you prefer. If you decide to use yours, you can store my furniture in the large basement cellar.
    The place is fully equipped with air conditioning, dishwasher, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine, LCD TV, etc.
    Also, very important, the utilities (water, electricity, broadband Internet, digital TV, garage) are included in the rent of 400 EUR/month.
    The kaution is EUR 500,00, and you will get it back when you will move out (I will need a 30 days notice).
    Now, a little bit about myself: My name is Sebastian Brent and I'm a 59 years old retired architect from London.
    I'm a pet owner myself, so I will have no problem if you want to keep a pet in the house, as long as nothing is damaged.
    Unfortunately, my health and ongoing treatment don't allow me to do any travelling for the next few months, so I will not be able to come and meet you personally for a while.
    However, this won't affect the rental at all. I can make arrangements to have a real estate agency handle everything for me.
    I would like to know how many persons you intend to share the flat with, and for how long. Any other details about yourself would be appreciated.
    So I guess this is it for now, I hope I didn't forget anything.

    Friendly greetings from the UK!

    Sebastian Brent
    4 Craven Hill,
    London , W2 3DS
    Tel: 00447848493088
    [email protected]

  15. 0

    wohnungsbetrug2010 meldete alias Sebastian Brent mit der Nummer ‎+447848493088 als Kostenfalle

    31.01.12 07:45


    I've just read your message regarding my apartment.
    I apologize if my answer comes quite late, but your email arrived in my spam folder, and I haven't seen it until now.
    I bought this apartment for my daughter during her studies in Germany, but now she's back home permanently, so I'm renting it out.
    We will not use the place any more, so you can rent it even for a long term.
    The flat is fully furnished and renovated, as you could see from the photos.
    You can use my furniture, or you can also use your own if you prefer. If you decide to use yours, you can store my furniture in the large basement cellar.
    The place is fully equipped with air conditioning, dishwasher, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine, LCD TV, etc.
    Also, very important, the utilities (water, electricity, broadband Internet, digital TV, garage) are included in the rent of 400 EUR/month.
    The kaution is EUR 500,00, and you will get it back when you will move out (I will need a 30 days notice).
    Now, a little bit about myself: My name is Sebastian Brent and I'm a 59 years old retired architect from London.
    I'm a pet owner myself, so I will have no problem if you want to keep a pet in the house, as long as nothing is damaged.
    Unfortunately, my health and ongoing treatment don't allow me to do any travelling for the next few months, so I will not be able to come and meet you personally for a while.
    However, this won't affect the rental at all. I can make arrangements to have a real estate agency handle everything for me.
    I would like to know how many persons you intend to share the flat with, and for how long. Any other details about yourself would be appreciated.
    So I guess this is it for now, I hope I didn't forget anything.

    Friendly greetings from the UK!

    Sebastian Brent
    4 Craven Hill,
    London , W2 3DS
    Tel: 00447848493088
    [email protected]

    wohnungsbetrug2010 antwortete 01.02.12 08:12

    Thank you for your reply.
    After analysing all the applications together with my wife, we decided that you would be suitable to rent the apartment.
    As I said, the total price which you'll have to pay for one month of rent (warm miete) will be €400, no additional costs.
    I hope you agree that it's a very reasonable offer, and I don't rent this flat for big profits.
    The rent will be paid monthly, to my bank account.
    In order to view the flat and settle a deal, you will need the keys, and the contract.
    Since I am unable to come to Germany personally, and my daughter is already back here, I've hired a major real estate agency from London, specialized in international rentals, to represent me.
    They are called Bradford Lettings, and their website is:
    This agency will help you inspect the flat, and handle the payments and documents.
    Please call them for any questions regarding the transaction, because i might not be always reachable, and they can also give you more details than I can. You can find their number on the Contact section of their website.
    Here's how it works :
    1 - To start this transaction, I need you to go to and click REGISTER and fill out the form.
    2 - I will go to the Bradford Lettings office to drop off the keys and documents of the flat, along with the contract
    3 - Bradford Lettings will verify he documents, and send you an invoice (rechnung).
    4 - At this point you'll have to pay the kaution (500 EURO) as a security deposit to Bradford Lettings, according to the instructions from the invoice.
    This will be a guarantee that they don't send an agent all the way to Germany for a nothing. The deposit will be only a temporary guarantee,
    and will not obligate you to renting the flat.
    The money will remain in the custody of Bradford Lettings until you have checked the flat and confirmed that everything is ok.
    5 - After you pay the deposit, and send them the details, Bradford Lettings will send an agent to Germany in the next 24-48 hours (Monday to Friday)
    to meet you and help you inspect the flat. You can choose the date and time of inspection, to fit your schedule .
    7 - If you will be satisfied with the flat, you will sign a copy of the contract and pay the first monthly rent to the agent (the following rents will be paid directly to my account)
    However, if you are not pleased with the apartment for any reason, the Bradford Lettings agent will give you the money back on the spot, and I will get my keys and documents back.
    I will pay for the services of the agency, so there will be no extra costs for you.
    Also, in case you have another apartment right now, and you cannot move out immediately, we can arrange the deposit and inspection now, and consider
    the flat reserved for you. You will move in when you are ready and pay the first rent then.
    If everything is ok, please email me the details that I requested above, so I can make the arrangements.
    I have also attached a copy of my passport to this email as a sign of good faith. (sorry for the bad picture :))
    I look forward to your quick response, because there are several others interested in the apartment, and I need to know if I can count on a deal with you.
    Best greetings!

  16. 0

    wohnungsbetrug2010 meldete [email protected] mit der Nummer ‎00447848493088 als Kostenfalle

    25.01.12 06:48

    Von: Albert Hilton [email protected]>


    I've just read your message regarding my apartment.
    I apologize if my answer comes quite late, but your email arrived in my spam folder, and I haven't seen it until now.
    I bought this apartment for my daughter during her studies in Germany, but now she's back home permanently, so I'm renting it out.
    We will not use the place any more, so you can rent it even for a long term.
    The flat is fully furnished and renovated, as you could see from the photos.
    You can use my furniture, or you can also use your own if you prefer. If you decide to use yours, you can store my furniture in the large basement cellar.
    The place is fully equipped with air conditioning, dishwasher, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine, LCD TV, etc.
    Also, very important, the utilities (water, electricity, broadband Internet, digital TV, garage) are included in the rent of 400 EUR/month.
    The kaution is EUR 500,00, and you will get it back when you will move out (I will need a 30 days notice).
    Now, a little bit about myself: My name is Albert Hilton and I'm a 59 years old retired architect from London.
    I'm a pet owner myself, so I will have no problem if you want to keep a pet in the house, as long as nothing is damaged.
    Unfortunately, my health and ongoing treatment don't allow me to do any travelling for the next few months, so I will not be able to come and meet you personally for a while.
    However, this won't affect the rental at all. I can make arrangements to have a real estate agency handle everything for me.
    I would like to know how many persons you intend to share the flat with, and for how long. Any other details about yourself would be appreciated.
    So I guess this is it for now, I hope I didn't forget anything.

    Friendly greetings from the UK!

    Albert Hilton
    4 Craven Hill,
    London , W2 3DS
    Tel: 00447848493088
    [email protected]

  17. 0

    Motorsport meldete die Nummer ‎+447848493088 mit Score 9

    21.01.12 11:01

    Selbe Masche wie oben für eine Wohnung in Stuttgart. Wenn man erst bei Besichtigung die Kaution bezahlen will ist Sendepause. Ein Tipp: !!!!!!!! Bei eibem Notar oder dem Grundbuchamt oder Hausmeister nachfragen ob er überhaupt als Eigentümer registriert / bekannt ist !!!!!!!! Achtung Betrüger !!!!!

  18. 0

    SOS-Agentur meldete die Nummer ‎+447848493088 mit Score 9

    20.01.12 12:45

    Er tritt als Gerald Grant aus Bristol auf und vermietet ehemalige Apartment seiner Tochter in einer Top-Gegend in Berlin ebenfalls mit Vorkasse!

    irena kmetova antwortete 01.03.12 22:52
    pleas nobody dont belive that man he is luser we nearly get on hes story but am discoverd what is goig on. dont belive him

  19. 0

    imona meldete [email protected]; im Auftrag von; Gerald Gran mit der Nummer ‎00447848493088 als Kostenfalle

    19.01.12 11:51

    Der selbe Mist heirbei ImmoScout in München!!!! BIITE VORSICHTIG SEIN!!!


    I've just read your message regarding my apartment.
    I apologize if my answer comes quite late, but your email arrived in my spam folder, and I haven't seen it until now.
    I bought this apartment for my daughter during her studies in Germany, but now she's back home permanently, so I'm renting it out.
    We will not use the place any more, so you can rent it even for a long term.
    The flat is fully furnished and renovated, as you could see from the photos.
    You can use my furniture, or you can also use your own if you prefer. If you decide to use yours, you can store my furniture in the large basement cellar.
    The place is fully equipped with air conditioning, dishwasher, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine, LCD TV, etc.
    Also, very important, the utilities (water, electricity, broadband Internet, digital TV, garage) are included in the rent of 400 EUR/month.
    The kaution is EUR 500,00, and you will get it back when you will move out (I will need a 30 days notice).
    Now, a little bit about myself: My name is Gerald Grant and I'm a 59 years old retired architect from Bristol.
    I'm a pet owner myself, so I will have no problem if you want to keep a pet in the house, as long as nothing is damaged.
    Unfortunately, my health and ongoing treatment don't allow me to do any travelling for the next few months, so I will not be able to come and meet you personally for a while.
    However, this won't affect the rental at all. I can make arrangements to have a real estate agency handle everything for me.
    I would like to know how many persons you intend to share the flat with, and for how long. Any other details about yourself would be appreciated.
    So I guess this is it for now, I hope I didn't forget anything.

    Friendly greetings from the UK!

    Gerald Grant
    4, Broad Plain,
    Bristol , BS2 0JP
    Tel: 00447848493088
    [email protected]

  20. 0

    estrella_fugaz meldete die Nummer ‎+447848493088 als 00447848493088

    17.01.12 23:39

    Am vergangenen Sonntag wurde bei immobilienscout24 eine große super schick möblierte und super günstige 3-Zimmerwohnung in bester Citylage in Berlin angeboten von einem gewissen Gerald Grant, pensionierter Architekt aus England für dessen Tochter er die Wohnung zu studienzeiten gekauft hätte etc. pp.

    Ich wäre fast drauf reingefallen... hätte ich nach seiner Antwort (derselbe Text wie oben) nicht mal bauchgefühlsmäßig nach seinem Namen gegoogelt! ;(

    Antworterin antwortete 19.01.12 20:11
    Ebenfalls fast drauf herreingefallen, forderte € 500 an eine Brit. Ltd als Vorkasse. ICH LIEBE GOOGLE !!
    daschä antwortete 11.04.12 00:00
    In Köln treibt er sein Unwesen unter den Namen:Sean Baldwin. Bin bei Vorkasse Forderungen stutzig geworden. Gottseidank!

  21. 0

    wohnungsbetrug2010 meldete [email protected] mit der Nummer ‎00447848493088 als Kostenfalle

    17.01.12 18:28

    Gerald Grant
    4, Broad Plain,
    Bristol , BS2 0JP
    Tel: 00447848493088
    [email protected]

  22. 0

    wohnungsbetrug2010 meldete roland_daniel@ymail mit der Nummer ‎+447848493088 als Kostenfalle

    10.01.12 04:47

    Daniel Roland
    55, Broadmead,
    Bristol , BS1 3EA
    Tel: 00447848493088

    Kathi antwortete 11.01.12 09:15
    und noch einer:
    Norman Davids
    4, Broad Plain,
    Bristol , BS2 0JP
    Tel: 00447848493088
    [email protected]

    die haben gleichen Rufnummern sogar:D

  23. 0

    wohnungsbetrug2010 meldete Vorkassebetrüger mit der Nummer ‎+447848493088 als Kostenfalle

    20.12.11 06:41

    Vorkassebetrug viele Städte

  24. 0

    rumschleicher meldete [email protected] mit der Nummer ‎00447848493088 als Kostenfalle

    20.12.11 06:37


    I've just read your message regarding my apartment.
    Sorry if my answer comes quite late, but your email arrived in my spam folder, and I didn't see it until now.
    I bought this apartment for my daughter during her studies in Germany, but now she's back home permanently, so I'm renting it out.
    We will not use the place any more, so you can rent it even for long term without any worries.
    The flat is fully furnished and renovated, as you could see from the photos.
    You can use my furniture, or you can also use your own if you prefer. If you decide to use yours, you can store my furniture in the large basement cellar.
    The place is fully equipped with air conditioning, dishwasher, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine, LCD TV, etc.
    Also, very important, the utilities (water, electricity, broadband Internet, digital TV, garage) are included in the rent of 400 EUR/month.
    The kaution is EUR 500,00, and you will get it back when you will move out (I will need a 30 days notice).
    Now, a little bit about myself: My name is David Lambert and I'm a 59 years old retired architect from Bristol.
    I'm a pet owner myself, so I will have no problem if you want to keep a pet in the house, as long as nothing is damaged.
    Unfortunately, my health and ongoing treatment don't allow me to do any travelling for the next few months, so I will not be able to come and meet you personally for a while.
    However, this won't affect the rental at all. I can make arrangements to have a real estate agency handle everything for me.
    I would like to know how many persons you intend to share the flat with, and for how long. Any other details about yourself would be welcomed.

    So I guess this is it for now, I hope I didn't forget anything, since my memory isn't what it used to be any more :)

    All the best from old Britain, and hope to hear from you soon!

    David Lambert
    53, Broadmead,
    Bristol , BS1 3EA
    Tel: 00447848493088
    [email protected]

    fcst61 antwortete 22.12.11 18:24
    Er bietet zur Zeit in Immobilienscout24 eine 120 qm Wohnung in bester Wohnlage in Köln für 400 Euro Miete und 500 Euro Kaution als Vorkasse an.

  25. 0

    edame meldete die Nummer ‎00447848493088 mit Score 5

    16.12.11 12:33

    ACHTUNG !!! Auch vermeitet SEHR GÜNSTIG möblierte Whg in Nürnberg mit gleicher Geschichte "die Whg. von seiner damals Studierenden Tochter sei, und er alt und krank ist und bla bla bla .... !!"

  26. 0

    Dory meldete die Nummer ‎+447848493088 als Kostenfalle

    15.12.11 14:26

    Norman Grant
    28, North Street,
    Bristol , BS30 8TR
    Tel: 00447848493088
    [email protected]

    War wieder eine Anzeige bei Immoblilienscout24 geschalten, große Wohnung - komplett möbiliert für wenig Geld.

  27. 0

    rumschleicher meldete Vorkassebetrüger mit der Nummer ‎+447848493088 als Kostenfalle

    13.12.11 18:27

    Sebastian Hilton
    30, North Street,
    Bristol , BS30 8TR
    Tel: 00447848493088
    [email protected]

  28. 0

    rumschleicher meldete [email protected] mit der Nummer ‎00447848493088 als Kostenfalle

    13.12.11 06:03

    Norman Grant
    28, North Street,
    Bristol , BS30 8TR
    Tel: 00447848493088
    [email protected]

    SayaDjin antwortete 13.12.11 20:14
    Norman Grant
    28, North Street,
    Bristol , BS30 8TR
    Tel: 00447848493088
    [email protected]
    Vermietet neuerdings Wohnungen in Stuttgart.
    hätte sonst geantwortet.
    Melusch antwortete 14.12.11 15:33
    Betrüger!!!!Vermietet auch Wohnungen in köln.super schön und super gü soll geld vorab überweisen.....Finger weg Leute...
    Toparchsum antwortete 14.12.11 21:56
    Gibt an das die Whg. von seiner damals Studierenden Tochter sei, und er alt und krank ist, weswegen er alles aus GB oder ähnlich abwickeln will !
    wohnungsbetrug2010 antwortete 20.12.11 17:04

    die Art Vorkassebetrug gibt es schon seit langem für viele Städte, lest mal im blog

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